In order to understand this story a little more deeply, we need to define some terms and cultural norms of the 1st century. Take a moment to talk about tax collectors. How were they viewed by their community? Why were they ostracized and looked down upon? Why was it so surprising for Jesus to invite Matthew to be one of His disciples?
Who were the Pharisees and what was their job? Why were they so concerned with this dinner party? In what ways are we similar to the Pharisees, judging the people around us with condemnation and shame?
Jesus quotes Hosea 6:6 in His response to the Pharisees. Take a moment to read Hosea 6:1-6. How would you characterize Israel’s faith in this passage? What does God say to them in verse 6, and why does Jesus pick up this language in Matthew 9?
What is Jesus trying to communicate overall in Matthew 9:12-13?
In what ways do we act as if we were “healthy” and “righteous,” when in reality we are “sick…sinners…” (vs. 12-13)? Why do you think we wear these masks, pretending to be something we are not? What would help you to acknowledge your humanity, your sin, and your need for Jesus this week?
How can you practice mercy this week?