Breaking in and Breaking Ground

Breaking in and Breaking Ground

Sunday, January 24, 2021

 Read Nehemiah 2:11-20

  • Summarize what happens in this section of the narrative.
  • In verse 12, Nehemiah says that God had broken into his life and “put in my heart” the vision to rebuild Jerusalem. How is God breaking into your life? How is God making Himself known in your own mind, heart, and body?
  • What reasons or motivations does Nehemiah give for joining the effort to rebuild the walls in verses 17-18? Why does he enlist their support?
  • Think of the problems, issues, broken relationships you face in your own life. What keeps us from enlisting support from our community?
  • The gates and walls of Jerusalem were supposed to be a witness to God’s Glory and Wonder, but instead, they lay in ruin. God called Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem in order to bring glory to His Name. What gates/walls need to be repaired in your life? In what ways does your life paint a distorted image of God to the world?
  • What opposition did Nehemiah face (v. 19)? How did his enemies try to discourage him? How did he respond (v. 20)?
  • What kinds of opposition do you face in your relationship with God, your mission from God, your walk with God? How can Nehemiah’s words be a guide through this opposition?