Beautifully Freeing

Beautifully Freeing

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Read John 15:1-17

  • Think about the analogy that Jesus shares in verses 1-8. What does the vine represent? The gardener? The branches? The fruit? What is Jesus trying to teach us through this picture?
  • When Jesus talks about a vine in this passage, he is using an analogy that would have been familiar to his Jewish listeners. Read Isaiah 5:1-7. What does Isaiah say about the vineyard? How does that context help us understand what Jesus means when he says that he is the “True Vine” (John 15:1)? *
  • Jesus invites us to “remain” in Him several times in this passage. What does that mean? What does it look like in your daily life to “remain” in Christ?
  • What does Jesus say in verse 2 about pruning? What role does pruning play in the life and health of a plant? How have you experienced God’s pruning and shaping in your own life?
  • What kind of love does Jesus depict in verses 9-17?
  • Share some ways in which others have loved you well these last few months. How might God be inviting you to live out his call to “Love each other” this week?

*This question was influenced by N.T. Wright’s book, John for Everyone: 26 Studies for Individuals and Groups