A Star Dancing in the Night

A Star Dancing in the Night

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Read John 3:16-17

  • John describes a “love gone right” in this passage, the deep and sacrificial love of God. Where have you seen this “love gone right” with other human beings? On the other hand, where have you seen “love gone wrong”?
  • Read John 3:1-21 and summarize the context. What does it mean to be “born again” (vs. 7) or “born of the Spirit” (vs. 8)? How do Jesus’ words about new birth expand our understanding of verses 16-17? How are we similar to Nicodemus?
  • What do we learn about God’s love in vs. 16-17?
  • Why do you think Christians are known for being hypocritical and judgmental? Why do we struggle so much with shame and condemnation? What helps you to get out of the shame and blame spiral?
  • What kinds of practices, worldviews, or relationships help you to simply receive the love of God?
  • What are some practical ways you can love people well this week? By offering grace instead of condemnation? By sacrificing something you hold dear? How can we display “love gone right” with our community this week?