Hey Lake Families-
We are on the edge of fall. Which means for many of you the kids are back in school you are getting ready to settle into a rhythm of work, homework, extra curriculars, weekend getaways, late night art projects, and the holiday season. As you begin to set your rhythm for this coming season do not forget to intentionally plan 2 things: rest and community.
Resting allows us to acknowledge that God is the Creator and provider of all things. When you rest well you step into holy time and you can find the rest you have been created for.
As pastor Annie has reminded us, ‘these last few years we’ve learned how desperately we need one another.’ I want to invite you to a Uniquely Better Parenting Seminar called Parenting in Community. Friday September 9, 2022 at 6:30pm at Lake Ave Church. I will be walking us through some foundational ideals and practical skills that will help us stay connected to our church community in the coming years.
I also want to invite you to sign up for a small group with other parents and families. This is a 6-week opportunity to gather with other families in our congregation to focus on what it means to follow Jesus. We will follow along with Pastor Mathew’s sermons series on the Journey from Exodus to Deuteronomy. For more information you can contact Annie Neufeld at or sign up here.
Lastly, I just want you to be blessed. My wife, Shannon, who is the brains behind this operation, wrote a beautiful blessing/prayer that I hope you find encouraging as you lean into this next season with your family. Hear these words and we will see you in the coming weeks.
“…It’s August, which means behind all the adorable back-to-school photos flooding my timeline, there are chaotic mornings, missing socks, eye rolls, petty arguments about lunch boxes, wardrobe, and homework. You might have already lost a Hydroflask. My prayer for you is that there are also moments of sweet connection over cereal, while braiding hair, packing backpacks, and signing all…the…forms. May you find purpose in each PB&J. May you discern which car rides call for boisterous singalongs and which call for comfortable silence. May you lean in when you are asked to help, knowing it’s your honor and there will come a day when they stop asking…and that day comes much quicker than you can imagine. And if no one has told you lately - you’re an amazing parent.” – Shannon Hunt
Chuck Hunt Associate Pastor of Family Ministries