LAC Families-
If you have read any parenting book in the last twenty years, you have undoubtedly come across the concept of routines for your kids. Routines for eating, sleeping, playing, reading, etc. Routines are great for helping our kids know what to expect. It also creates a sense of safety and aids in attachment while also creating a sense of stability when times are stressful. This is not the only way to raise kids but it has been a very important part of the literature and practice over the past few decades. As in all things, benefits come at a cost and the cost for routine is flexibility. Clearly over the past two years we have learned that. If we were to study the last two years, I would expect to find an inverse relationship between our mental health and our need for routine. In other words, the more we are committed to our routine the more deleterious effect on our emotional and sometimes mental health. The solution is flexibility! Every routine should have at its core some spontaneity. Without it our rigidity can leave us unprepared for the shifts that inevitably come in life.
This is also true of our relationship with Jesus as well. As God’s children we have learned how to expect things from God, a sense of safety and moments of great attachment that have created stability in stressful times. We also need to be ready for when God leads in ways that we are not used to or prepared for. As we lean into this new year, I hope that your family has settled into a great routine. But I also hope that you leave space for the beautiful accidents and side trips to happen.
Peace be the Journey Chuck Hunt Associate Pastor of Family Ministries
Tell us how we can best partner with you.
Lake Ave Church parenting ministry wants to make sure that we are offering the best resources and encouragement for you as parents. Our goal is to be a place where you turn to access support, encouragement and new ideas as you parent your kids.
To make sure we are getting it right we would like to ask you a few questions. Please spend a few minutes to share your thoughts with us in a short survey. The information you give can be confidential, so please be honest. We really want to know how to serve you best.
Click HERE to access the survey!
The first 10 submissions will be granted $20 off their next Family Ministries event registration for their child!