LAC Families-
The Benedictine monks created clocks in order to synchronize their daily prayers and activities. Cities have clock towers in order to make sure that time travel from 1955 is possible. Wait, that’s not right, clock towers were created so that people in that town could work, eat, and recreate at certain times. Time zones were created in the US in order to keep trains safe and on schedule. This is how our parenting takes shape over years. When we start parenting, we really just need to get on the same schedule. We have to find a way to synchronize all the activities of the house with a new human. We then graduate to the family calendar and it lets everyone in the family know when to work, eat, and play. But when the family calendar is no longer functional, we create time zones. Time zones function as a sort of catch-all for family member’s time. You may not be in the same time zone as another family member but that doesn’t mean you cannot know what time it is.
I feel like whatever moment you are in probably needs a reset as we come out of quarantine. There are so many things on our agendas, lists, hopes, dreams, and even fears that we need to reset the family clocks. Being in quarantine has created new rhythms and expectations. As we come out of quarantine, have you sat down as a family and taken a look at your values as a family and reset your ‘clocks’ together? Rick Rekedal, in our technology webinar, reminded us that now is a great time to reset our family values toward the home that you want to create. I’m sure that there are things that you have seen in quarantine that you want to continue. Do you want your family to spend more time together, play more games, worship together, eat together, connect and talk, go on a weekly walk? It may be time to bring the family together for a family chat and reset your ‘clocks’ so that everyone knows what time it is. You’re the parents, time to do that parenting thing. It’s never too late to become the family that you want to be. Here is a podcast that I found that talks more in depth about how and why a reset is great, if not necessary.
Chuck Hunt Associate Pastor of Family Ministries
Chuck Hunt Associate Pastor of Family Ministries
Sarah Beckon Administrative Associate of Family Ministries g