LAC Families-
Parenting is hard work! Communication, Care, Discipline, Boundaries, siblings that conspire against you and so much more. Even more, if we are honest, parenting shines a light on our own inadequacies, insecurities, family history, etc. For many of us we want our kids experience in this world to be uniquely better than ours and thus we need to be uniquely better parents. Unique, because each family is different, our cultures are different, we come from different economic backgrounds sometimes in the same family… but we have the same Lord who has gifted us uniquely and called us to each other. Better, because at each stage of our kid’s lives we need to be better, and as we become better individuals, disciples, and parents we are helping our kids be better and know God better. Our parenting ministry (Uniquely Better Parenting) has been working hard to help us think deeply and biblically about the topics and issues that face us. We hope you know that we see you. We hope that you have been encouraged.
As parents it is really important to care for yourself and remind yourself of the things that are true of God and of you so that we can face each new day with new energy, new passion, new compassion, and new joy! As we approach Mother’s Day, I want to remind you of the hope we have and 5 truths we can cling to.
- You are the person your kids need as a parent – God chose you to parent your kids. Whether your kids were born to you, adopted or are part of a blended family. God has placed you in their lives in order to lead, set boundaries, and love them. Lean into the Lord and he will give you the wisdom and compassion that you need to for every moment. If you don’t believe it, take a look at this.
- You are doing better than you think – Everyone is their own worst critic. We tend to see our flaws and not our successes. We also don’t always get to see all of our success with our kids until later. Sometimes it is good to focus on the process and not an event, the time not the moment, and give yourself a “daily affirmation”
- You are not alone – There are some any people that are going through what you are going through. Not only that, there are people who have actually made it to the other side AND LIVED! It is not a sign of weakness to reach out to others. (I’m talking to you too, dads). There are so many opportunities for you to find wisdom, new tools, and just a listening ear in community.
- Your kids need you to love them – Sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves to be great, work hard, provide. We try too hard make sure that our kids are watching or not watching, making the right choices, are ahead of the curve, and get everything they want. What our kids NEED is that you love them and that you create an environment of trust, communication, and warmth.
- You are doing a great job! – I’m not kidding. From where I sit, I get to see your kids. Not as often this past year, but I am so grateful for the community of families that we have at Lake. Each of you are leaning into doing the best you can with what you have and your kids are doing well. They are kind, they are thoughtful, they care for each other. Whatever you are doing, keep it up. **throwing in a little Starbucks GIFTCARD here (on a first come first served basis until it runs out!) to treat YOURSELF...yes YOU!... to a cup of coffee (limit yourself to one please (-: ) for all of the dedication you give to being a uniquely better parent!! You deserve this.**
Happy Mother’s Day
Chuck Hunt Associate Pastor of Family Ministries
Tough Conversations: Race & Justice with John Williams & Jeff Liou
Chuck Hunt Associate Pastor of Family Ministries
Sarah Beckon Administrative Associate of Family Ministries g