Growing Together in Communities
Dear ,
Our faith is deeply personal, but it finds its fullest expression within a community. The moment we answer the call of Christ, we know we become members of a spiritual family called the Church. But only a few are aware that the call extends to live out our faith in an external community, which is our neighborhood.
It fills my heart with immense joy to witness the energy and enthusiasm within our Missional Community groups. Jeff Rose, our Director of Community Formation, has been tirelessly working to materialize the "celebrate together" aspect of the MCs in different zones, each bringing its unique flavor from various neighborhoods. We recently organized an all-zone hike to Millard Falls - a delightful experience filled with fun and fellowship, and we eagerly anticipate more celebratory events in the future.
Our first "pray together" event for all zones, “Pray Pasadena,” will be held tomorrow, Saturday, November 4, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. We have also extended invitations to neighboring churches in the San Gabriel Valley area. The third element of the MC, "serve together," will commence early next year. Let us come together in prayer to identify a serving opportunity in your area where we can volunteer as a church community, making a meaningful impact in your neighborhood.
As we embark on this journey of community formation, we are also undertaking a new initiative to equip marketplace professionals in the fields of science, media, and business. Stay tuned if you are interested in participating in cohort model professional groups in these three areas. In the meantime, don’t forget to find your Neighborhood Missional Community, where you will join your spiritual LAC Family in an exciting journey of “praying together,” “serving together,” and “celebrating together.” You can do so anytime.
I hope to see you tomorrow at Pray Pasadena and Sunday morning at our Family Sunday Service.
Yours in Christ,
Mathew P. John |
Senior Pastor |
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