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Freedom and Blessings

Some of the volunteers in LAC’s Malachi Dads’ Prison Ministry share their experiences with us. Here are their stories.

Ernie Vargas has been part of the Lake community for 10 years now. “I am so happy that I have joined the jail ministry for so many different reasons. Since I joined the jail ministry my walk with God has been taken to a completely new level that I have never before experienced. In fact, it’s one that I have been seeking my whole life. Most Christians constantly are asking themselves how can I have a stronger, deeper, more-connected relationship with Jesus Christ. Now I really feel that I am living increasingly day-to-day, more and more connected to Him! It’s one thing to attend Bible studies, hear sermons, read and hear about serving and experiencing God’s word but it’s a whole different thing when you get to go out there and live God’s word with his people. It is freedom! I am hooked and I am all in with this Prison Ministry walk that I am blessed to be a part of!” said Ernie.

Dan Stephenson has been attending Lake for over five years now. He shares how he first got involved in Malachi Dads’  Ministry“I began in the fall of 2014. I am President of the Genesis class, and had heard members of our class -- Ray Thompson, Ernie Vargas and Alan Yamada -- give reports about the prison ministry that made me very interested. I am also taking seminary classes and one of our assignments last fall was to work in a ‘compassion’ ministry. I immediately thought of Malachi Dads because of Ray, Ernie and Alan.”

Gilbert Jameson has attended Lake Avenue Church since August of 2008. “I have been part of Malachi Dads for almost a year now. It took God’s grace, God’s will, and the power of God to put me in this position. Let me explain why I say this. I am an ex-convict and for an ex-convict to go into a prison ministry is very rare and hard to do but with God all things are possible. I have enjoyed being part of this ministry and sharing the gospel with many different men this last year has been a blessing,” shared Gilbert.

In closing Gilbert shared one other way he’s staying involved, “ God is using Malachi Dads and LAC in another ministry: helping the men we teach in jail ways to find homes and jobs, showing them the love of Christ as we welcome them into our church. God is good and working in this ministry. Amen.”

Interested in getting involved with our prison ministries Hannah’s Gift for incarcerated women, or Malachi Dads for the men? Please contact Ray Thompson at 626.376.8330.


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