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Deepening Your Walk with God

As I look at, think about, pray over, and experience our current society, it is appalling to me what we encounter. From news feeds, to social media, to personal exchanges with people we are bombarded with anger, disrespectfulness, and even violence.  Suffice to say, we are living in a society where God IS NOT the central focus. Starting Jan. 20 at 7 pm in FL204-205 (Family Life Center) or on Zoom, Jeanne and I are inviting you to a class that we believe will help us see “Jesus as the Light of World” in this present darkness. In this 8-week class, we will explore contemplative ways we can connect and grow in our relationship with God.

In our time together, we will learn the important link between spiritual maturity and emotional health. We will look at such practices as stillness, silence, and scripture meditation to deepen our daily walk with God. We will explore how our family of origin impacts how we act today and how the Holy Spirit can transform us on a daily basis to grow in our relationship with Jesus. Our hope is that we will be able to see how following Jesus as the “Light of the World” will help us shine His light into this darkened world. We will be utilizing a book entitled Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Pastor Peter Scazzero, of Queens NY. There also will be a workbook and a devotional book entitled Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, Day by Day.

From former class participants we have heard statements like:

“I longed for connection and fellowship in my Christian journey . . . God answered. I encountered authentic love, fellowship and mentor-ship in my five years with EHS, it is amazing, the incredible way Jesus transformed my hard heart with his truth using his faithful servants—Bill and Jeanne Mead with EHS.”

-Marcella Vaughn, Community Member

“I saw my husband, Robert, growing spiritually and emotionally, I decided to join him in this journey, and we are now table leaders.”

-Dianne Roybal, LAC member

“The EHS curriculum combined with Pastor Bill and Jeanne’s leadership were life changing and instrumental in guiding me to correct some long-held faulty thinking that my activities for God and his Kingdom were more important than my personal relationship with Him.”

-Bill Fairbanks, LAC member

If you are seeking something new this year to deepen your relationship with Christ, come join Jeanne, me, and many others on this incredible journey. Anyone is welcomed no matter where you are in your journey with Christ.

For more information and to register, please visit us online using search keyword: ehs2022


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