From album Story Photos
Ode to Spring amidst avian symphony after gentle rains refreshing the grass and awakening flowers. Signs of promising fruits caused contemplation on life after winter “death”. Presenting Easter Hope. The stone is rolled away, the tragedy of the...
Ode to Spring amidst avian symphony after gentle rains refreshing the grass and awakening flowers. Signs of promising fruits caused contemplation on life after winter “death”. Presenting Easter Hope. The stone is rolled away, the tragedy of the Cross turns victorious in Christ’s Resurrection. Nestled on California fig leaves drenched with raindrops, this children’s craft calls for different levels of understanding for the learner from milk to bread to strong meat. Consider the Fall in the Garden of Eden to Jesus as our High Priest offering prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane now seated as King in Heaven able to redeem to the uttermost anyone who believes in Him. Consider Zachariah’s song in Luke 1, may the Son light up your life as the Dayspring rises in your heart!