The Love that Empowers Us

The Love that Empowers Us

Sunday, September 01, 2019

Questions for Reflection

Hebrews 10:24-25

  • Read through the passage and note every indication that the writer wants the reader to consider their life and growth in faith in the context of relationship with others.
  • A spur is used to prod a horse to move forward and the reigns bend the horse in the right direction. What has someone else done that has spurred you on in following Jesus? What role might you play in someone else’s faith journey?
  • How does meeting together with other Christians affect your faith? Are there some regular positive habits you have of meeting together? How can you make those times more fruitful or more often?
  • When is the last time you intentionally set out to encourage another Christian? Do it today!
  • How are love and good deeds connected in the Christian life? Who motivates you toward love and good deeds? What simple act of love could you do this coming week, which would be new to you?