The End is the Beginning

The End is the Beginning

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Mark 11:1-11

  1. The disciples were traveling companions with Jesus. That type of relational encourages intimacy. What have you learned about others you have traveled with them, and also what have they learned about you?
  2. What things did the disciples do and say in Mark 11:1-11? How might the disciples have been perceived by those that did not know Jesus?
  3. What things have you done and/or said that might have been perceived as odd by our larger society, but they felt like to you the exact right thing to do because of your closeness to Jesus? Is there something Jesus is asking of you now that you need courage to do or say because ‘The LORD needs it,’ (vs. 3)?
  4. How might you grow in your awareness that Jesus is really your constant traveling companion? What moments of your days might you be missing opportunities to learn from and about Jesus?
  5. Pause and pray, asking God where God was present in your life over the last day or week, and where you might have missed it.