Surpassing Value

Surpassing Value

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Read Philippians 3:1-8

(The sermon text is verses 4-8, but we will begin with verse 1 for our small group study.)

  • Who are the “dogs…evildoers…mutilators of the flesh…” (vs. 2)? How are they contrasted with the Church?
  • Paul commands the Philippians to “rejoice,” but then quickly follows it with another command to “watch out” for “those dogs,” etc… How might the influence of these people rob the Philippians of joy?
  • Take a moment to list out Paul’s credentials in verses 4-6. How did these things benefit him? Why did he now consider them a loss?
  • What do you depend on (apart from Christ) to give you a sense of self-worth, belonging, or acceptance? What are you longing for (apart from Christ), that you imagine would make you feel more steady or secure?
  • How does placing your confidence in your achievements and success, rather than in Christ, affect your joy and well-being?
  • Paul says that he now considers his accolades “rubbish” compared to the infinite, surpassing worth of knowing Jesus. What practices or attitudes could help you to value Christ above all else this week?