Sing in Exultation

Sing in Exultation

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Small Group & Personal Devotion Discussion Questions

Read Luke 1:46-55

  • What is the difference between happiness and biblical joy? Share about a time when you were joyful, even if you weren’t all that happy.
  • Why does Mary rejoice in this song? What are the attributes and actions she praises God for in these verses? In what ways does Jesus fulfill her prophetic words?
  • What are the “reversals” that Mary lists in verses 51-54? What are some other “reversals” you long for in this world? What are some of the wrongs that God needs to make right, justice and healing that only God can bring?
  • How is God inviting you to be part of this great Reversal? How can you be part of what God is doing in this world: lifting the humble, filling the hungry with good things, extending mercy, bringing justice?
  • What helps you to find joy in this world?

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