Simmer Down

Simmer Down

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Small Group & Personal Devotion Discussion Questions

James 5:7-11

  • Why does James say we should be patient? What are some things that cause you to lose your patience or feel overwhelmed?
  • Why does James use the image of a farmer to talk about patience, and what lessons do we learn from that analogy? What are you waiting for God to do? In what areas of your life do you need to cry out to God as you wait?
  • How is impatience related to grumbling? Why does James say we should not grumble? The Bible calls us over and over again not to grumble, yet we still struggle. Why is it so hard for us to stop grumbling?
  • James continually returns our focus to the LORD in this passage. What do we learn about God in these verses that might enable us to be patient, stop grumbling, and persevere?
  • Pastor Jeff invited us to turn our grumbling into gratitude. What are you grateful for this week?