One Thing Worth Everything
One Thing Worth Everything
Greg Waybright
- Matthew 13:44-46
- Jesus Christ, Storyteller
- 37 mins 12 secs
- Views: 647
Questions from the Pastor
Questions from Pastor Greg 8/21/16
1. The brief story in 13:44 confuses people because we cannot relate easily to a world without banks and investment companies. People often hid their treasures in fields they owned. If they died in war or on a trip, the treasure remained hidden. What is the main point that Jesus is making in this parable?
2. This man was probably on the lower economic strata in Israel. Jesus implies that he would have to sell everything he has ever saved to buy the field with the treasure. What would that be like in our society? Have you ever faced this kind of decision? How does Jesus’ story provide guidance?
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.”
3. The man in 13:45-46 is a pearl merchant, one of the wealthiest careers in Israel. What is different about him from the man in 13:44. What is the same?
4. Jesus said that “the kingdom of heaven” he had come to bring is like these two men’s stories. What do you think he meant by that?
5. It seems that these men valued something that others did not – or were not aware of. Is the same true of the kingdom that Jesus offers to people?
6. Selling everything else simply to have the one treasure brought great joy (v.44). Does entering the kingdom of God and finding eternal spiritual treasure do the same for you? Describe that joy if it is true of you.
7. Read Paul’s testimony Philippians 3:5-9. In what ways is his experience similar to the men in Jesus’ stories?
8. Both Paul and the two men in Jesus’ stories had to completely reorient every part of their lives in order to have this treasure. What difference is knowing the King of the kingdom of God making about the other things you might value?