Sunday, December 15, 2019
Questions for Reflection
Read John 1:9-13
- In verse 9, John tells us that Jesus is the “true” (or “real”) light. What else in our world masquerades as “light” but is actually darkness? What happens when we follow these things instead of Jesus?
- John tells us in verse 10 that the world didn’t recognize Jesus. What keeps us from seeing Jesus at work around us? What about the Christmas season in particular might cloud our ability to see the light of Christ?
- How does the darkness respond to the light in John 1:1-13? In what ways do you see the darkness of our world fight back against the light of Jesus?
- What practices can you implement this week that can help you to recognize the light of Christ in our world?
- John talks about what it means to be a child of God here in John 1:12-13, but also in John 3:1-8 and 1 John 3:1. What do these passages tell us about what it means to be children of God? How can we step into our new identity this week?
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