

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Questions for Reflection

Read Matthew 8:28-34

  • How does this passage (verses 28-34) fit into the context of what Jesus is doing in 8:5-34?
  • Take some time to notice the details of the story.
    • What details do we know about the two men? About the demons?
    • What impact have the demons had on the town, both before and after Jesus visited them?
    • What impact do Jesus’ actions have in this story?
  • The demons in this story were able to hold an entire community (and especially these two men) in chains. Pastor Jeff challenged us to see and name the evil we see in the world around us, holding us in bondage and division. What is the evil you see in the world around you right now? How are the powers of evil at work in your community?
  • The people of the town asked Jesus to leave because they valued their safety and security over his healing power. They valued the status quo above the restoration of these two men. In what ways do you find yourself giving preference to your own security and comfort instead of following Jesus as he brings healing to a broken world? Why do we prefer the status quo?
  • What is Jesus inviting you to do this week as he loosens up the chains of evil in this world? Prayer? Fasting? Action?