Questions for Reflection
Read John 17:20-23
- What does it mean for Jesus to be “in” the Father and for the Father to be “in” Jesus?
- Jesus prays in verse 22 that we would be “one” in the same way that He and the Father are “one.” Take a moment to talk about the oneness of the Father and the Son—How do they live in unity? How does their oneness impact and inspire our oneness?
- How does our unity (or our disunity) affect our witness?
- What are some specific ways you or your community could pursue oneness with other Christians from whom you are divided? *
- Our Core Value for this week is: “God Glorifying Community—Guided by God’s Word and relying on the power of the Holy Spirit, we seek to be a prayerful community that makes the glory of God known through our words and lives.” What is God’s glory, and what does it mean to make God’s glory known? In what ways do we live this out well at Lake? How could we grow to live this out more fully?
- Take some time to pray for our church, that we would be intimately bound together to the Father, through Christ, by the power of the Spirit. Especially in light of our congregational meeting this week, pray for God’s truth, wisdom, grace, and peace in our church.
* This question was influenced by N.T. Wright’s book, John for Everyone: 26 Studies for Individuals and Groups