Read Proverbs 12:18, 15:4, 18:21a, and 29:20. What do each of these passages tell us about our words?
Read Ephesians 4:1-6 and 17-32. How is Paul’s vision of unity in vs. 1-6 connected to his instructions for Christian living, especially in regard to how we use our words, in vs. 17-32?
Make a list of all the behaviors Paul warns against in verses 17-32. What is the purpose behind his high standards of Christian living? Specifically, why should we speak truthfully (vs.25)? Why should we deal with our anger (vs. 26-27)? What should be the goal of our speech (vs. 29)? What is the motivation for our words of forgiveness (vs. 32).
How have you experienced the power of words in your life? When have you experienced words that brought life—either to you or to someone else? When have you experienced words that brought darkness or pain or even death—either to you or someone else?
What are some ways you might be called to use your words to bring life to the world around you this week?