Ear Affection

Ear Affection

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Read James 1:19-20 & Proverbs 18:25

  • What do these passages tell us about listening? How is listening related to anger? How is it connected to righteousness, wisdom, and maturity? How have you seen these dynamics at work in your own life?
  • Read Mark 5:1-20. How did the people first respond to the miracle Jesus performed (vs. 17)? How did the people later respond to the miracle Jesus performed (vs. 20)? What enabled them to respond with amazement in verse 20? When have you been transformed by hearing someone’s story or testimony?
  • Why is listening so difficult for us? What keeps us from listening well to one another?
  • What kinds of practices enable you to listen more to God than to headlines? What are some of the things that enable you to actually listen well to another person, instead of formulating your own argument while they speak?
  • Pastor Jeff gave us two helpful questions to ask when we are in difficult conversations with people: (1) “Can you tell me more about that?” and (2) “What is it like to be you today?” How could these questions transform our conversations with one another?