Drawing Near to God in 2021

Drawing Near to God in 2021

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Read Hebrews 10:19-25

  • Read verses 19-22.  Recall from the sermon, what were some of the barriers between people and the Most Holy Place where God dwelled before Jesus came.  How can you draw near to Jesus daily in 2021?
  • Read verse 23.  What promise(s) of God are most meaningful to you right now?  You may want to read the Scriptures quoted from the sermon (Rev 7:9-10, Rev 21:3-4, Gen 1:26-27, 31, Isaiah 62:4-5 and Isaiah 58:6-9) for ideas. 
  • Read verses 23-25.  Take time to answer these questions
    • What relationships do you have? 
    • Who is spurring you on towards love and good deeds? 
    • Who is God calling you to do the same for? 
    • Are there other relationships in your life that aren’t doing either? 
    • How can you pay better attention to the people God is calling you to?