Read the three stories that precede our passage for today in vs. 13-23. How are the wise and foolish builders related to narrow and wide gates in vs. 13-14? To good and bad trees in vs. 15-20? To true and false disciples in vs. 21-23? In all four stories, what is the result of failing to walk in God’s ways
Share about a time when you persevered through a challenging situation, task, or calling. What kept you going?
What is the goal toward which Paul is striving in verse 12? What keeps him going?
Paul considers it a mark of maturity to recognize one’s own imperfections (vs. 12-13). Why is this so important to him? Why is it so difficult for us to recognize our own need to grow and change?
Why is “forgetting what is behind” part of what it means to “strain toward what is ahead” in our faith (vs.13)? What kinds of things do you imagine Paul had to forget? What do you need to “forget” so that you can “strain ahead” in your commitment to follow Jesus?
What are the things that get in the way of your commitment to follow Jesus? What keeps you going?
What does it look like to live out your commitment to love Jesus this week? What does it look like to live out your commitment to love others this week?