Christmas Eve - Candlelight Service
Christmas Eve - Candlelight Service
Greg Waybright
- Isaiah 40:1-11
- Down to Earth - Advent According to Isaiah
- 14 mins 26 secs
- Views: 1947
Small Group Questions
Read Isaiah 40:1-11
- In verse 1, God declares comfort for his people. Who do you know that is most in need of comfort right now? Where in your life do you need comforting?
- God's love for his people is so great that he has forgiven them for their sins. Why is this good news for our world? What sort of communal sins do we need forgiveness for?
- Verse 5 says that the glory of the Lord will be revealed and people everywhere will see it. What does it mean to see the Lord's glory? How is it revealed in the birth and work of Jesus?
- Verses 10-11 tell us that God is a powerful warrior, but also cares for the young and the weak. What should a community that claims to follow this God look like?
- Isaiah 40 speaks of the greatness of God's love for us that is ultimately fulfilled through his son, Jesus. Next year, how can you show that love to others? Where do you need to experience that love yourself?
Study Notes
The Life-Changing Potential of Curiosity
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”
Matthew 2:1-2
The trip of wise men traveling to Judea to find a boy who had been born there is… well, it’s is an astonishing story. I think we’ve heard it so often that we often fail to see how remarkable it is. These Magi were not Jewish men and yet they somehow knew a prophecy about a child who would be born King of the Jews. How did that happen?
One theory is that these men came from the area that is now Yemen. There is evidence that Jewish people lived in Yemen – and had some prominence there. The Magi could have heard about a child who would become king from them. If that’s true, then theirs would be a trip of almost 1,400 miles – and that’s air miles. To get to Bethlehem from Yemen would have required going through desert and mountain regions. And, there were no planes, no cars, no trains. It would have been a grueling trip.
So, what could have motivated these Magi to do such an extraordinary thing? I think it might have been simple curiosity. No doubt, they had heard stories from their Jewish neighbors that had fascinated them. And, they were almost certainly astronomers, having devoted their lives to understanding the stars. Like so many scientists in our church and in our world, although they understood a lot about the universe, I imagine they sensed that there had to be something more than just the empirical world.
So, they saw something in the stars that was not the usual configuration. They only said, “We have seen his star.” From what must have been an exceptional astronomical experience, they were curious enough to leave their comfort zones to pursue what this out of the ordinary occurrence might be about.
More than that, they seemed to be looking for something that nothing in this world or in the stars could satisfy. “We have come to worship,” they said.
I’ve found that meetings with Jesus often begin like that. There is, at the beginning, nothing more than curiosity. "There's something different about that Christian next door. I must find out what it is." "There has to be more to live for than I’ve found so far. I think I'll look at it more closely this year."
Here at Lake Avenue Church, we have a lot of people who worship Jesus whose spiritual journeys began with a curiosity that led them to seek the truth. Two of them have told their stories in our services before – but I know many of you who come on Christmas Eve haven’t heard them -- so I’ll tell them briefly again:
Steve Cunningham
Dr. Steve Cunningham grew up thinking that miracles don’t happen. Then, for many years, Steve was educated as a scientist, a physicist and as an engineer. His PhD is in the field of Theoretical Solid State Physics. With PhD in hand, Steve engaged in 6 years of post-doctoral work in related sciences, all confirming his thoroughgoing materialist worldview.
Steve’s life continued on without any belief in God until things changed dramatically when his brother invited him to a meeting at a small church in Compton, CA. At that church, Steve saw a blind woman instantly healedin response to a brief prayer, a woman whom he knew had beenblind for three years. That left him to be curious about whether his naturalistic worldview was too small to embrace all of reality. After wrestling with how such a healing could happen, Dr. Steve Cunningham became a fully committed Jesus-follower. He still is. In fact, he heads up prayer ministries here at Lake Avenue Church.
Min Li Shigematsu
Li Min was born and raised in China. All religion was strictly forbidden in Chinese society at the time, especially for children. But, Min testifies, “Although I had never heard about God, God began to tug inside of me. All that I was taught left my heart unsettled. I knew something was missing.”
At a young age, Min was curious about “the causation question”. She used to ask her Grandma, “Who is my Grandma’s Grandma’s Grandma…? Who was the first Grandma?” She had a deep intuition that there has to be some sort of uncaused cause in the universe.
Min also was affected by the reality of death. This became agonizingly personal when both of her grandparents died prematurely during her teenage years. Min wrote me, “I struggled greatly knowing the truth that one day death will take all my loved ones away and it will take my life too. If everything ends in death, does life have ultimate meaning? With that question in my heart and mind, I was very unhappy.”
Both those issues haunted Min into her university years. She asked about them unrelentingly. One day, after she had she had been discussing them with a friend, that friend gave her a book and told her to read it. Min opened it at home and read, “In the beginning, God created…” Min testifies, “The first sentence in the Bible brought my heart home and I felt peace.”
Then, she read the Bible voraciously and learned that her questions about death were also addressed – and that death is not the end of things. Min accepted Jesus into her life. Min, her husband Jon and daughter Faith are now active members here at Lake. In fact, she translated my message tonight into Chinese.
Like the journey of the wise men, Steve and Min’s experiences with God began with curiosity. I think we need more open-minded curiosity in our day than there usually is. Here in Southern CA, our busy schedules often keep us from pursuing the questions we have about the big issues of our existence. Who among us would take the time to journey to Bethlehem? Others are too cynical to investigate what a star like the one the Magi saw might mean. It would have been easy for them to have said, "Miracles, ha! They don't happen in this world! That out-of-the-ordinary star is interesting, yes – but, it's not worth my time to investigate." Many close the door on an encounter with God by not pursuing the questions that are in the hearts of all human beings.
But these Magi still had that healthy inquisitiveness ‑‑ though I'm sure they didn't know exactly where it would lead. And it changed their lives. Look at Mt 2:11 – “On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him.”
They “worshiped him”. That was a word for putting someone at the center of their lives and affections. And, I think it began with curiosity.
I remember the time in my graduate work when I saw Jesus’ words, “I am the truth” in a new way. He meant that when we take the time to honestly seek what is true, ultimately we will come to him. Steve and Min asked the big questions of life:
- Isn’t there more to life that just the material things we see, hear, and touch?
- How did this world begin?
- Is there life after death? Isn’t there more to live for than I’ve experienced so far?
Those questions brought them to Jesus. I pray the same will be true of you – so I leave you with these great verses – as I do each Christmas Eve:
God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
Jesus, John 3:16-17
Chinese Study Notes
當希律王的時候,耶穌生在猶太的伯利恆。有幾位博士從東方來到耶路撒冷。說:那 生 下 來 作 猶 太 人 之 王 的 在 那 裡 ? 我 們 在 東 方 看 見 他 的 星 , 特 來 拜 他 。
所以他們看到星體中某種不同尋常的格局,就說,“ 我們見過這顆星。“ 那必定是個非同尋常的天文經歷。他們好奇到一個地步願意邁出自己的舒適區,追求超越習慣思維的框架可能存在的奇蹟。
Steve Cunningham
Steve Cunningham博士打小時候就不相信神蹟奇事。後來多年接受科學,物理學和工程學的教育。他的博士學位是固態物理學領域的理論。 有博士學位在手,Steve在相關的科學領域從事 6 年的博士後工作,所有這些都證實他徹底的唯物主義世界觀。
在對上帝沒有任何的信仰中, Steve繼續他的生活。直到有一天他的兄弟邀請他到加州一間小教會的聚會, 事情發生了翻天覆地的變化。在教會中Steve看見一瞎眼的婦人回应一个簡單的禱告即刻眼得了痊愈,他認識这个妇人有三年之久。這件事使他非常好奇,思想他的自然世界观可能太狭窄了,不足以容納所有的現實。他对发生这样的医治原因经过一段时间的挣扎后,Steve全然委身成为跟随耶穌的人。事實上 , 他带领湖边大道教會的禱告事奉。
Min Li Shigematsu
Li Min 在中国出生长大。当时在中国不允许任何的宗教信仰,小孩子更是不例外。但是Min 见证说,“ 虽然我从来没有听过神的名字,神抓住我的心,所有我学到的东西都不能让我的心安妥,我知道缺失什么东西。”
很小的时候,她就对起源的问题很好奇。她曾经问她的奶奶,“奶奶都有奶奶,第一个奶奶是谁?” 在她的直觉里,宇宙中有第一因的存在。
Min也对死亡之事深为困惑。她在中学时候养育她长大的祖父母相继去世。Min给我写到:“ 我非常挣扎,知道死亡有一天将会带走所有我爱的人,有一天我自己也会死。如果生命的终结都是死亡,那么活着又有什么终极的意义。心存这样的问题,我过得很不开心。”
这些问题带着她进入大学。她和好同学谈论中得知有一本书叫圣经,说到人是神创造的。后来同学给了她一本圣经。打开圣经,第一句话“起初神创造天地。。。” 就直接入了她的心,她感到无比的平安。
如同东方博士之旅,Steve和Min和对神的经历都是起于好奇心。我想我们今天都需要比往常更加开放的好奇心。南加州繁忙的日程讓我們常常對存在這樣重大的问题探究都置之脑后。谁有空暇行伯利恒之旅?其他人都太過於憤世嫉俗了,有誰願意像東方博士一樣去研究他們看到的一顆星星樣子到底意味著什麼。他們本來可以很輕鬆的說 “真是奇蹟哦,這在世上不可能發生!這不尋常的星有意思,是的,但是不值得我花時間去探個究竟。“許多人就是這樣不去探討人類心中的問題,與神失之交臂,對神關上門。
但是這些東方博士還存有健康的求知慾-雖然我確定他們並不知曉得這將帶他們到何方。 他們的生活改變了。看馬太福音2:11──“進了房子,看見小孩子和他母親瑪利亞,就俯伏拜那小孩子。”
- 生活中除了我們眼能看到,手能摸到的物質以外還有什麼?
- 這個世界是如何開始的?
- 死後是否有生命?除了我經歷的以外,還有什麼是值得我為之而活的?
這些問題將他們帶到耶穌裏。我祈禱同樣奇蹟發生在你們身上。- 與日俱往,每年的聖誕夜,我要留給你們這句偉大的經文 :
Spanish Study Notes
Curiosidad – Un Potencial Transformador
Cuando Jesus nacio en Belen de Judea en dias del rey Herodes, vinieron del oriente a Jerusalem unos magos, diciendo “?Donde esta el rey de los judios, que ha nacido? Porque su estrella hemos visto en el oriente, y venimos a adorarle.”
Mateo 2:1-2
El viajar hombres magos a Judea para hallar un nino que nacio alli, es…bueno, es un relato sorprendente. Creo que lo hemos escuchado tan amenudo que muchas veces no alcanzamos ver cuan extraodinario es. Estos magos no eran judios, mas aun ellos de algun modo, conocian una profecia de que un nino iba a nacer rey de los judios. ?Como ocurrio eso?
Una teoria es que estos hombres eran oriundos del lugar que hoy se conoce como Yemen. Hay evidencia que indica que judios vivian en Yemen- y disfrutaban de cierta prominencia alli. Los magos pudieron haber escuchado que un nino de ellos seria un rey. De ser cierto eso, entonces su viaje pudo haber sido de casi 1,400 milla- me refiero a millas aerias. Para llegar a Belen desde Yemen, hubiera requerido pasar, regiones atraves de desierto y montanas. Y en ese entonces, no habian aeroplanos, ni carros, ni trenes. Tuvo que haber sido un viaje muy arduo.
?Entonces, que pudo haber motivado a estos magos hacer algo tan extraordinario? Y creo que pudo haber sido pura curiosidad. Sin duda, ellos ya habian escuchado de parte de sus vecinos judios, relatos facinantes. Y muy serguramente eran atronomos, habiendo dedicado sus vidas a el estudio de las estrellas. Tal como muchos de los cientificos de nuestra iglesia y en el mundo entero, aunque si entiendan mucho acerca del universo, pienso que presentian que habia algo mas que el mundo empirico.
De modo que ellos vieron algo en las estrellas con una configuracion no usual. Ellos unicamente dijeron, “Hemos visto su estrella.” De lo que pudo haber sido una experiencia astronomica excepcional, sintieron tanta curiosidad como para salir de sus comodidades en busqueda de saber de que se trataba esta tan extraordinaria experiencia.
Mas aun, aparentaba que buscaban algo lo cual nada en este mundo ni en las estrellas podia satisfacer. “Hemos venido a adorar,” dijeron.
He hallado que encuentros con Jesus muy amenudo comienzan de tal manera. Al principio solo hay curiosidad. “Hay algo muy distinto en ese vecino cristiano. Tengo que saber que es.” “En esta vida tiene que haber mas de lo hasta aqui he conocido. Creo que este ano lo vere de mas de adentro.”
Aqui en la iglesia de Lake Avenue temenos a muchos que adoran a Jesus, cuyo conocimiento espititual comenzo simplemente con una curiosidad cual les conllevo a buscar la verdad. Dos de ellos anteriormente han relatado en nuestros servicios de adoracion sus experiencias.- pero se que muchos de uds. que vienen en nochebuena no los han excuchado – de manera que les dire de nuevo brevemente.
Steve Cunningham
El doctor Steve Cunningham crecio con la creencia que no ocurrian milagros. Entonces, por muchos anos, Steve fue educado un cientifico, un fisico e ingeniero. Su grado a nivel de doctorado es en el campo de la fisica del estado solido teorico. Con su doctorado, Steve estuvo envuelto por 6 anos a nivel doctoral en ciencias relacionadas, todas confirmando su creeyencia de el mundo de un modo materialista.
La vida de Steve continuo sin cree en Dios hasta que todo cambio dramaticamente cuando su hermano lo invito a una reunion en una pequena iglesia en Compton, California. En esa iglesia, Steve presencio a una mujer ciega, la cual el sabia por tres anos que era ciega, ser sanada instantaniamente con una breve oracion. Esto le hizo sentir curiosidad en cuanto ha si su punto de vista naturalista se limitaba al alcanzar toda realidad. Despues de luchar pensando como pudo haber ocurrido tan sandidad, el doctor Steve Cunningham se convirtio en un seguidor de Jesucristo fiel. Aun lo es. De hecho, el dirije ministerios de oracion aqui en la iglesia de Lake Avenue.
Min Li Shigematsu
Min Li nacio y se crio en la China. Todo tipo de religion estaba estrictamente prohibidad en sociedad China en ese entonces, especialmente para los ninos. Pero, Min testificaba, “Aunque nunca habia escuchado de Dios, Dios comenzo a tocarme. Todo cuanto a mi se me habia ensenado dejo mi corazon inquieto. Sabia que me faltaba ago.”
En una temprana edad, Min sentia curiosidad por “La pregunta de causacion.” Ella solia preguntarle a su abuelita, “?Quien es la abuela de la abuela de abuela…? Cual fue la primera abuela?” Ella tenia la profundal intuicion que habia algun tipo de causa incausada en el universo.
A Min le afecto la realidad de la muerte. Esto se convirtio en algo agonizantemente personal cuando ambos abuelos murieron prematuramente durante sus anos de adolesencia. Me escribio Min, “Senti una gran lucha interna al saber de algun dia la muerte habria de llevarse a todos mis seres queridos y tambien se llevaria mi vida. Si todo termina en muerte, tiene la vida un significado ultimo? Con ese interrogante en mi corazon yo me sentia muy infeliz.”
Ambos asuntos persistian aun hasta los anos universitarios. Ella se preguntaba esto sin cerar. Un dia despues de haber platicado esto con cierta amistad, esa amistad le regalo un libro y le dijo que lo leyera. Min lo abrio en su casa y leyo. “En el principio Dios creo…” Min testificaba. “La primera oracion que aparece en la Biblia trajo paz a mi corazon.”
Entonces, ella leyo la Biblia verozmente y aprendio que su interrogante en cuanto la muerte tambien fue contestado – y que la muerte no es el fin de las cosas. Min acepto a Jesus en su corazon. Min. su esposo John y su hija Faith actualmente son miembros activos en la iglesia de Lake Avenue. De hecho, ella tradujo mi mensaje de esta noche al lenguaje Chino.
Tal como el viaje de los magos, los encuentros con Dios de Steve y de Min comenzaron con una simple curiosidad. Yo pienso que necesitamos sentir mas curiosidad abierta en nuestros tiempos. Aqui en el sur de California, nuestros horarios complicados amenudo nos impiden confronter las preguntas que temenos acerca de los grandes asuntos sobre nuestra exitencia. ?Quien entre nosotros nos tomamos la molestia en hacer un viaje a Belen? Otros son muy cinicos para investigar que una estrella como la de los magos podria significar. Hubiera sido facil para ellos decir, “Milagros, ja! No ocurren en este mundo!” Eso de una estrella extraordinaria es algo interesante, si – pero, no pierdo mi tiempo en investigarlo.” Muchos cierran la puerta a un encuentro con Dios al no buscar respuesta a preguntas que exhisten en los corazones de muchos seres humanos.
Pero estos magos aun sentian el interrogatorio saludable – aunque estoy seguro que no sabian exactamente donde los conyevaria. Y esto cambio sus vidas.
Veace Mateo 2:11 “Y al entrar a la casa vieron al nino con su madre Maria y se postraron y lo adoraron.”
Ellos lo “adoraron.” Eso fue la Palabra para poner a alguien en el centro de sus vidas y afecto. Y, yo creo que comenzo con curiosidad.
Yo recuerdo los tiempos en mi trabajo post graduado cuando yo vi las palabras de Jesus, “Yo soy la vida”, de un modo distinto. Quizo El decir que cuando nos tomamos el tiempo para honestamente buscar lo que es la verdad, finalmente vendremos a El. Steve y Min preguntaron las grandes interrogaciones de la vida:
- No hay mas en esta vida que las cosas materiales las cuales vemos y tocamos?
- Como comenzo este mundo?
- Hay vida despues de la muerte? No hay mas porque vivir aparte de lo que ya hasta ahora e experimentado?
Esas preguntas los condujieron a Jesus. Yo oro al Senor que lo mismo sea cierto para uds. – entonces los dejo con estos grandes versiculos – tal como lo hago cada nochebuena,
“De tal manera amo Dios al mundo para que todo aquel que en El crea, no se pierda mas tenga vida eterna.”
Jesus, Juan 3:16-17