

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Questions for Reflection

Read Luke 10:25-37

  • What is the initial question posed by the lawyer in verse 25, and what is the answer? What is the second question posed by the lawyer in verse 29, and what was his motivation behind it? How (and why) does Jesus answer this question differently?
  • The priest, the Levite, and the Samaritan all “saw” the man who had been beaten, bloodied, and left for dead. But only the Samaritan “came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him” (vs. 33), and he was moved to action. What have you seen this week that is breaking your heart, moving you to compassion?
  • What was the reaction of the Levite and the priest to what they saw (vs. 31, 32)? Why do you think they didn’t stop to help; what diverted them from the road?
  • What are the diversions, distractions, fears, etc… that take us away from the road we are on this week? What are the ways in which we divert our eyes from the pain of racism and injustice in our world right now?
  • What is God calling you to “go and do” this week? How is God calling you to act in neighborly love?
  • End your time together with an extended time of prayer, focusing on lament and repentance.