
The discussion began with the plans for the special congregational meeting focused on the Senior Pastor Search Committee (SPSC) progress and timeline. The meeting had been requested by members of the congregation immediately after news of the decision by the SPSC to not move forward with our internal candidate Jeff Mattesich. It was determined that it will be a time to clarify and hear the concerns of the church family. SPSC understands the impact of their decision and wants to share what they have learned from the misses in their process.

Vacancies on the SPSC were discussed and since most were from division appointments, the process of identifying new appointments from the Outreach and Family Ministries Divisions is in the beginning stages and will be brought forward to the congregation at a later date for affirmation.

Interim Staff Leadership was discussed, in thinking through an interim leadership plan. The Lead Ministry Team is incredibly healthy and brings a collaborative approach to leadership that has been functioning this way for a number of years behind the scenes. Scott White, Associate Pastor of Outreach Ministries, has agreed to take on the role of Interim Lead Ministry Pastor. Although Scott will hold the formal interim title, senior staff will still be operating in a shared leadership model.

As a council, we discussed the extreme importance of staff care and support, especially for our pastoral staff. Emphasis should be given to senior staff that has lost the day-to-day supervisor support from their former Acting Senior Pastor Jeff Mattesich.

The council has acknowledged that we have a deep bench on staff in terms of preaching and day-to-day ministry operations and we are strengthening and empowering them to lead in the transition.

Church Chair Dan Crichton reminded us of the many other things coming up in the life of the Lake. On Saturday the Gathering of LAC leaders and volunteers is being held, and Wednesday is Family Ministries’ annual Pumpkin Palooza. Dan also expressed gratefulness for the ministry that continues as we move forward in transition.

One of the largest concerns that we are currently facing is of a financial nature. The Finance Committee met recently to look at where the fiscal year ended and where income trends were headed for the coming year. At the 2022 winter congregational meeting ways to balance the budget will be presented to the congregation. The Budget and Re-organization task force will be looking at ways to decrease costs and explore income-generating sources. It was recognized how God has been taking care of the church financially over the years. Leadership must be realistic moving forward with resources for ministry.

Sanctity of Life sub-group has been gathering information and interviewing persons directly involved and a recommendation will be provided to the council at the November Ministry Council meeting.

We continue to pray and ask for Gods’ guidance in all we do. We ask that you continue to pray for Pastors, staff, and elected leadership at Lake as we navigate the future in God’s church in Pasadena.

