Thank you to the over 300 people who voted for the Leadership Development Team as a part of our March 26 congregational meeting.

Our team of deacons met on April 12 to review the results. We would like to thank you for your patience. The cause for delay between the vote and this meeting was overseas travel and the Easter holiday. We kept the results sealed until this in-person meeting to maintain the integrity of our process.

We are now pleased to present our final nominations to the Leadership Development Team (LDT).

1 Year Term

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Jeff Liou

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Jeanne Mead


2 Year Term

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Les Stocker

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Bassem Wahbi


3 Year Term

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Franci Maharaj

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Preston Hawkins


As a team, we began our discernment process with those who received the most votes for each term length. We also consulted with Pastor Mathew John and our church chair, Dan Crichton. With their support, we moved on to confirm each person’s availability to serve. In the case of anyone withdrawing, our plan was to move to the person with the next highest votes. Using this process, and bathing it with prayer, we are pleased with the outcome and believe it reflects the movement of the Holy Spirit through the participation and voice of the congregation.

The Elders are planning a short congregational meeting on April 30th, following the worship service, where we will bring forward these names for a vote of affirmation by the congregation. The Covenant calls for the Elder Council to make two appointments from the council alongside the congregation. The Elder Council will provide information regarding their two appointments to the LDT at the congregational meeting.

We pray that everyone who was willing to put forward their name to serve as a part of this process will move into spaces of leadership and flourishing, exercising their gifts in our congregation. We thank you again for your eagerness to be a part of this process.

With joy and thanks,

Lisa Liou, Audrey Durden, Mark Jolley, Rich Kasten, Roberta King
LAC Deacons

Leadership Development Team